Taking care of me starts now

As the weather warms up, it may bea good time review your wellness routine to set yourself up for a successful summer and beyond.

Refresh your fitness routine

Warmer weather is an invitation to enjoy sun-safe outdoor social activities and exercise. Long walks, for example, are low-impact and great for those beginning their fitness journey or getting back into a fitness routine.

If you’ve already got a solid routine in place, try adding in some new moves or search YouTube for new kinds of exercise to keep things exciting and challenging.

Include seasonal produce in your diet

Warmer months mean that lots of tasty fruits and vegetables are hitting the supermarket shelves, with bright colours begging to be added to your plate.

Getting a wide variety of fresh produce into your diet means you’ll be more likely to consume an array of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that may help you feel your best.

Of course, do your best to include plenty of iron-rich options in your diet.

Make ‘taking care of me’ a daily priority

With lots of priorities and demands on our time, we sometimes end up putting our own needs at the bottom of our ‘to-do’ list. But putting a small amount of time aside each day can make all the difference. Whether it’s blocking out time in your diary to do a workout, enjoying a cup of tea in silence without distractions or committing to a stretching and breathing routine before bed, making time to take care of yourself – whatever self-care means to you! – can help you bring your best self to the rest of your life.

Get any health concerns checked out

There’s never a wrong time to see your GP. Don’t put off seeing your doctor if you’re struggling with sleep, excessive fatigue, aches and pains, mental health, diet issues or anything else. Remember the Ferro-grad C® catchline: Taking care of me starts with seeing my GP.


FGC-2021-0104. October 2021