Why being your best self includes recognising the good in others

Did you know that showing gratitude and recognising the achievements of others can help you be the best version of yourself?

Prioritise your mental health

Prioritising our mental health can help us cope better with difficult times.

Some things you can do to improve or maintain your mental health are:

  • Keep a gratitude journal
  • Identify what you’re good at and play to your strengths
  • Reach out for support from a friend, relative, community leader or healthcare professional. You don’t have to have a mental illness to seek counselling, therapy or psychological support. If you are struggling, please reach out for help.

You can talk to your GP, or contact services such as:

  • Beyond Blue: online and telephone support. Call 1300 22 4636
  • ReachOut: online and telephone mental health services for young people and their parents. Call 02 8029 7777
  • Black Dog Institute: digital tools and apps to help improve mental health
  • Lifeline: 24 hour telephone crisis support. Call 13 11 14

Connect with people who lift you up

Good relationships are crucial to a strong sense of wellbeing. When you feel disheartened or sad, the people around you can often help lift you up. They can also help you celebrate the wins!

Nurture relationships with people who want the best for you, and who can help keep you accountable to being your best self. If you’re looking for people to connect with outside current family and friends, you might find like-minded people to connect with at your local community centre, or by joining an exercise group or social club.

Make time for the little things

It’s easy for work, chores and family commitments to take priority in your life. While they’re important, it’s also important to schedule time just for you and the things you enjoy. Do you enjoy art, music, relaxation, reading, gardening, or another hobby? Set aside a little time each day, even if it’s only 5 minutes, to experience that joy.

For the bigger goals in your life, celebrating the smaller wins along the way can help keep you motivated and on track. If your goal is to run a marathon, celebrate each time you beat your personal best, even if that starts at 1km!

Look after your physical health

Exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet with plenty of iron-rich food, drinking water and getting a good night’s sleep can all help you feel your best self. Regular check-ups with your doctor can also help support your physical health.

Did you know that feeling ongoing tiredness and fatigue may be symptoms of iron deficiency?² Speak to your doctor if you are concerned.

Remember to put yourself first by choosing Ferro-grad C® first if your doctor diagnoses iron deficiency and recommends a therapeutic oral iron supplement.²

Celebrate those around you

Celebrating others and recognising their achievements is a win-win. Not only does it help them, but you may make yourself feel good by performing an act of kindness.¹


  1. Queensland Government, 2020.
  2. Ferro-grad C® Product Label. FGC-2022-0155. October 2022.